Pregnancy mode - OvuFriend

Are the pregnancy calendar and the ovulation calendar connected?

Yes, the calendars are fully compatible. This is the biggest benefit of keeping your cycles and pregnancy in one place. If you previously kept your menstrual cycles in OvuFriend before pregnancy, when you get pregnant the system will use your pre-pregnancy data. After pregnancy, you will also be able to easily return to cycle tracking mode, and start tracking postpartum and return to your menstrual cycles. You will have your entire fertility history in one place, and the system will learn you and your own unique rhythm perfectly. 


What is a weight chart for pregnant women and how to read it?

Your Pregnancy Weight Chart in the Pregnancy Calendar is a chart showing weight gain norms at each stage of pregnancy, tailored specifically for you. Based on the information provided in your profile (including your pre-pregnancy weight, BMI, and duration of pregnancy), the system calculates the recommended (optimal) weight gain for the next 9 months of pregnancy.

On the weight chart, you can:

  • Check how much weight you should gain during pregnancy
  • See if you are gaining too little or too much weight in a particular week of pregnancy
  • Track the rate of your weight gain.

Try to weigh yourself at least once every four weeks - it's good if you do it at a fixed time of day, such as in the morning - record your weight on the chart and monitor its rate of increase and the recommended norms for you.

Contrary to what you may think, abnormal weight gain is not only an aesthetic issue, but can have a negative impact on both your health and the proper development of the fetus. Read more: Why is proper weight gain during pregnancy so important?`



Why is proper weight gain during pregnancy so important?

Proper weight gain during pregnancy is important to ensure the health of you and your baby. Correct weight gain means that you should not gain too much or too little weight.

Women who gain too little during pregnancy are at greater risk of having a premature birth or giving birth to a baby of too low a weight. On the other hand, women whose weight gain exceeds the recommended standards are more prone to certain conditions, such as diabetes, high blood pressure or varicose veins. In addition, they are more likely to have an increased risk of preterm labor and giving birth to a baby of the wrong weight (too low or too high).

In addition to the total weight gain during pregnancy, the rate of weight gain is also important. Weight should increase steadily, not in leaps and bounds. Too rapid weight gain puts undue strain on a woman's body and can cause, among other things, back pain or significantly increase the risk of stretch marks - the change in weight occurs too rapidly and the abdominal skin does not have time to adjust, as a result of which it cracks.

In determining the optimal weight gain during pregnancy, the OvuFriend pregnancy calendar is helpful - the system will calculate your optimal weight gain for you and allow you to keep track of the rate of change (read more What is a weight chart in the OvuFriend pregnancy calendar?).

What makes up weight gain during pregnancy? What do we need extra pounds for during pregnancy?

Pregnancy weight gain mainly consists of:

  • Baby: 3.5 kg
  • Placenta: 0.8-1 kg
  • The weight of the enlarged uterus: 1-1.5 kg
  • Amniotic fluid: 1-1.2 kg
  • Mammary glands: 0.5-1 kg
  • Increased blood plasma: 1.5 kg
  • Water retained in the body: 1.5 kg
  • Stored body fat for childbirth and breastfeeding: 2-4 kg

In total, the recommended weight gain throughout pregnancy is about 11-15 kg. Remember, however, that weight gain during pregnancy should be considered more individually, taking into account your pre-pregnancy weight, height and type of pregnancy. In OvuFriend, you can track your weight gain on a chart according to standards calculated specifically for you.

I don't see the recommended range for my pregnancy weight gain on the chart - what should I do?

If you don't see the recommended weight gain ranges for you on the pregnancy weight chart in the app, you probably haven't entered your pre-pregnancy weight in your Profile. To do this in the OvuFriend app, go to your User Profile ("My Profile" ) located in the app menu at the very top, then in the "Account" section, complete the fields: "weight before pregnancy" and "your height". The system will automatically calculate your BMI and draw a range of optimal weight gain for you for the entire pregnancy. For best results, complete your weight every 4 weeks and observe if you are gaining weight as recommended. Of course, if anything concerns you, consult your doctor.

How can I navigate across trimesters in the app?

In the app, in the first tab (Your Pregnancy - wheel) the wheel always shows only one trimester. If you are in the second or third trimester then you can easily go back to a previous trimester using the arrows above the wheel. Similarly, you can move between trimesters in second tab (Your Pregnancy - Weight Chart). Above the chart, next to the date, there are arrows for navigating across trimesters. If you are in the first trimester, the second trimester will only become visible when you reach that stage.